Empowering You, Yoga, Detox & Raw Food Retreat
7 Day Cleansing Healing Life-Changing Detox Retreat
The dates are set for the well-anticipated on Bali Mountain Detox Retreat in 24-30 November 2024. This is the perfect location to unplug from the busyness of life and plug straight back into nature and ourselves. A healing journey packed with daily body treatments, hot springs, sauna’s, activities, great company with plenty of rest and repair in between. Book your flights and your spot for this immersion back to self.
Personalised Retreats
We offer signature packages to suit the individual traveler outside of our official retreat dates, when and how it suits you. You get everything a retreat package offers plus you get more of Ubud and your stay. Staying at a boutique hotel in the center of town, you’ll get a personal tour of wholesome Ubud – yoga, raw food, cafe culture, dance and art classes, excursions – we pack as much as possible but also give you free time to just hang by the pool, go shopping, exploring, and get some extra spa treatments too. We know so many wonderful places and nooks n’ crannies that regular tourists would just miss. And of course coupled with our wealth of knowledge we have on health and wellbeing we will inspire you to live a more fruitful and energised life. See our testimonials. This is the highlight offering Personalised Retreats
Next Online Detox Program 2-7 Oct 2024
See and feel positive results from this specialized detox system in just 7 days from the comfort of your own home. This online retreat is for everyone and includes a full preparation manual, daily check-ins and personalized care. If you are in need of illness recovery to boost your immune system, or to cleanse away foggy brain, pain and inflammation, shift excess weight and flush out toxins, join Oksana Sokol for expert health guidance. This retreat comes with a Detox Manual, daily calls, support group, listed ingredient needs and healthy recipes.
The Bali Packages includes:
“Raw Energy -Vitality – Longevity – Thank You! “
I was very impressed with the philosophy and the joy in which these experienced teachers gave their knowledge and promoted a healthy way of living.
I have been reminded about my love of creative expression and how I need to practice daily. You have inspired me to practice yoga to improve my strength and flexibility and well-being. I will be taking away with me the love and joy into my life that you have expressed in every moment of the week. And you have shown me the art of raw food preparation and I will now be making food as vital and delicious as possible. The food on the retreat was off the richter scale!! ~ Anthea