When you have a surplus of any vegetable, perhaps you’ve grown too much or there’s a bargain at the wholesalers or at the markets. Pickling is the best way to store the nutrients for a later day! You can use any vegetable : beans, all root vegetables, broccoli & cauliflower, cabbage and kale. You can cut them any way too – here is a sample to inspire:
2x Daikon – Mandolin 3mm or cut by hand
4x Carrots- mandolin 3mm or cut by hand
4x Long Chill – cut 1 cm pieces
20x Radishes – cut ½ if too big, or Diakon
1x Kelp Kombu – soaked and cut into 1.5 cm pieces optional
1/4 cup Salt
You can put any fruit as well like Blueberry’s, Persimmons, Grapes, Jackfruit, Green mango.
Once all is in the bowl sprinkle ¼ cup Salt, mix and let it sit until most of the water has come out, drain and squeeze excess liquid out and place vegetables. in a big jar
For the Marinade:
160ml Tamari
310ml Apple Cider Vinegar or Rice Vinegar
320ml Mirin
310ml Kombucha
Chili flakes, garlic gloves optional
Mustard seeds or any spices you like really can also be added.
Mix and pour over the vegetables, close the lid and sit in a dark place for 4 days, check everyday, then put into the fridge. You can put into smaller jars. Keeps a long time!