One thing I don’t want to use to help me with my handstands is the wall. That means I need to look for a few other interesting variations.
A few weeks ago I popped up a post of us practicing yoga on top of some blocks. That helped my skinny arms and tummy get strong.
Then I looked over from the blocks. These bike racks hang out near where I hang out and so I thought I would see if there was a way for us to hang out together.
I tried a few push variations with me on top and pushing down with my armpits to bring my knees to chest. Then I realised I was finding a lot of things to push on but was there a way to get some pull action going on.
It lead to the upside down variation of shoulderstand, which I have called a flying shoulderstand, and you can check it out in the video below.
This gave great pull action around the armpits and also I tried to minimise momentum and use my tummy muscles to help me move around and into and out of the posture. I am actually pretty weak so you can see a little swing here and there.
This would be better if I were higher off the ground so I could try and let my neck be a bit free.
I did not want to put my head on the ground and I don’t recommend anyone even try what I am doing without some supervision. If you are not strong enough you would fall on the back of your neck and that is obviously not good so I am not advising go out and do this at all or unthinkingly. This is mainly for my students and safe practitioners.
Hmm, I wonder if we will find some bike racks in Bali for our retreat?
Happy and safe practicing!
Much metta,
People who have a mindless moment, like a Satori, seem to be at peace – The Peace That Passeth All Understanding.
So that could bring up the question of how is it the mind is so active?
It is there to take care of us. If we are not present, which is most of the time, we may not recognise a possible danger.
Trouble is, the mind is rather crude, so misses the subtle.
It can only access the past, so to be on the safe side it tends to be either pessimistic of optimistic – thus missing any possibility of anything new.
Scientists are now telling us that we have more thinking cells in our heart, and belly, than we do in our head – so there are other possibilities.
So in order to access any new suggestions from these centres we need to learn how to listen.
So the suggestion is to spend a little time each day listening to what the other centres may be attempting to communicate to us.
It can be called the Intuition.
Some scientists are now saying that there may not be anything like what we call time, and what we call the past and future may be generated in our minds.
If that is so, maybe psychics are accessing our possible future?
And if they can do it, so can we – if we give it a chance – by being a bit more accessible.
Inspirations from Paul Lowe ~