Dhyana Mudra
I can’t say I have a favourite mudra but this one comes close. I feel a great sense of calm and relaxation whilst using it when in meditation. No wonder it’s called the ‘gesture of mediation’.
It’s super simple to do. The right hand is placed on the left hand with each finger gently resting on the opposing finger with thumbs touching. The hands form a triangle-like shape which circulates energy.
It’s most commonly used in Buddhist and Zen style mediations and is known as the psychic gesture of meditation.The mudra either rests in the lap or can be positioned at the level of the navel center.
If the thumbs disconnect during meditation it’s a fantastic indicator that you’ve drifted off and gives you the opportunity to bring your focus back to the present moment.
When I was in India on my days off from the Yoga Synergy training I would often go to the bookstore where I would peruse their vast collection of yoga books. I bought a little book titled Yoga Mudras by Shivayogi G. Madanbhavi . The descriptions are quite basic and sometimes most amusing:
Dhyana Mudra ‘The performer achieves greater brilliance and becomes an attractive personality. He becomes capable of influencing people widely. His worries seem to disappear as he attains mental peace. This mudra greatly helps in improving concentration.’
They recommend performing this mudra for a minimum of 20 minutes daily to achieve the above results.
Happy and safe practicing!
THE TEAM : The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal.
I have to admit that when I started writing this blog I wasn’t sure how to approach it.
Here’s a clear description on this subject which I randomly googled:
Teamwork is often a crucial part of a business, as it is often necessary for colleagues to work well together, always trying to do their best in any circumstance.
Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate, using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals.
And I totally agree with it.
Below I rewrote how I see a team. I guess anyone can have their views but the results remain the same.
I see the team as a machine and the participants as the fuel of the machine. Without fuel the machine just cannot run. Every member of the team and what they contribute is crucial.
Isn’t it incredible how one person can have an idea and turn it into something that not only benefits themselves but everyone around, and then to be able to share the idea with others? A seed is planted now let’s nurture it so it can grow into something amazing.
A well run team is always creating, inspiring and motivating each other to be part of the big picture .
The preparing, advertising, sourcing, ordering & communicating are just the beginning .
The list goes on and on.
As a team we divide and share the work load.
Also very crucial is communication with each other and carrying each other during a retreat.
I like to always do something new for each retreat. For the last retreat I chose a theme fruit according to availability and what was current in season. It was dragon fruit with its amazing fuchsia-magenta colour.
I used it in everything from fruit salads, wraps, cakes and desserts, drinks you name it – I just love creating menu’s around a fruit and its colour. It also brings so much more creativity into each recipe and dish.
So after many weeks of pondering, drum roll please; for our September retreat I have decided that Mangoes and their beautiful golden yellow colour will be the feature fruit!
Who doesn’t love its taste and texture? It’s one of the most cherished and loved fruits in the tropics. And I already can think of so many new ways on how to use it in the dishes I’ll be serving. Just wait and see. We are all in for a real treat.
This has got to be my favorite savoury living dish.
It’s so simple and quick to make.
For this recipe you will need a spiralizer or a peeler, and a food processor.
Yield: 2 people
2 medium zucchinis peeled
I like to start using the food processor for the rawmesan before I do the sugo (‘sauce’ in Italian) so you won’t need to wash the machine afterwards
1cup brazil nuts
2 tbs nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4tsp paprika
1/2tsp garlic powder
1/4-1/2tsp salt
Food process all ingredients until it resembles fine grated parmesan do not over do it or else the oils will release from the nuts and make the whole mixture wet.
Pour into a small dish and set aside for later.
4x tomatoes seeded
1cup sundried tomatoes
1tsp dried oregano
1tsp dried basil
2 medjool dates pitted
½ cup olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
small handful fresh basil
2 tbs capers whole optional
2 tbs olives pitted roughly chopped optional
Food process the first 7 ingredients until well incorporated and not too smooth, adjust salt and pepper to taste
Add fresh basil and pulse a few time
Pour into a bowl and add capers and chopped olives -fold through
Peel (optional) the Zucchini and cut in 1/2- see the image below and spiral away.
Place a generous handful of Zucchini pasta on a plate, pour the Sugo over it, and sprinkle the rawmesan. Bon appetite!
There are so many benefits fermented water from the kefir grain can give you. It’s a no brainer to include them in your life if you’re looking for ways to keep healthy and vibrant.
Drinking Water Kefir can help you to achieve your optimal health, strengthen your immune system, and help to prevent diseases of all kinds. Most importantly, it restores good digestion – the key to health and longevity. When your body is out of balance, unfriendly opportunistic bacteria and yeasts can take over – producing irritable and bad digestion, food allergies, headaches, flu, skin rashes, and other more serious disorders. Water kefir is something you and your family can drink and use on your skin every day.
It inhibits the growth of unfriendly bacteria and yeasts, and helps beneficial probiotic microorganisms to colonise and thrive in your digestive tract, and throughout the rest of the body (skin, eyes, bladder, vagina, nose, throat, etc).
It contributes to a healthy immune system.
It reduces inflammation.
It helps with the digestion of food and micronutrients. The key for health and longevity is good digestion, and a balance of good bacteria is the essential starting point.
It can heal and reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome IBS including bloating, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhoea/constipation, nausea, low energy, muscle aches and pains. It heals intestinal dysbiosis and SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth).
Your increased energy and overall feeling of good health rises.
As a consequence it can stop unhealthy food cravings, especially for sugars and sweet foods.
Skin complexion and overall condition improve. Brown liver spots / age spots can fade, as can skin tags, moles, warts etc. It can ease or cure many skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema and acne.
Hair and nails look healthier, and are strengthened and improved.
Liver cleansing, as in traditional Chinese medicine, eases aches and joint pains, and benefits the eyes.
Glandular ( endocrine) system (adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, ovaries) benefits. Women have healthier periods, some women have periods start again after early menopause.
It has a tranquillising effect on the nervous system so helps many who suffer from sleep disorders and insomnia, depression, ADHD and autism.
What more could you ask for in these little bundles of bacteria. They are so easy to cultivate and keep at home. They thrive on a sugar solution in water. Making a fresh batch of KefirWater every few days and keeping a supply in the fridge to drink doesn’t get any easier than that!
At our retreats we always place emphasis on adding fermented foods and drinks into our diet. We’ll get to explore different types of fermentation processes as well as taste them as they come around the table.
Come join us on our retreat check our website for all the details www.artofliferetreats.com