Banana Walnut Cake

Banana Walnut Cake (makes one 9-inch cake)
Cake Batter:
Date Paste (soak dates in filtered water for 2 hours, drain water, freeze and use for smoothies or sweetener), food processor blend strained dates into paste-can be stored for 1 week in fridge or freezer for longer.
Activated nuts = soaked nuts overnight, strained and dehydrated.
Wet Ingredients:
- 24 ounces or 3 cups of date paste (dates soaked in water to get softer)
- ¾ cup coconut oil
- 3 tbsp vanilla (liquid)
- 1 tsp salt
- 19 ounces or 2 ¼ cup (after peeling) ripe bananas
Blend all ingredients until smooth add to Dry Ingredients below:
- 8 cups activated almonds or hazelnuts-blend to flour sieve after blender portions-or buy nut flour
- 2 ½ ounces or 1/3 cup cacao powder
- 1 cup activated walnuts chopped small – fold everything in by handLine a round cake tin with baking paper and press cake batter into cake tin-put in freezer for 30 min.
How to make:
- Add to mixer bowl: date paste, coconut oil, vanilla and salt.
- Press into a cake pan.
Cream Cheese Frosting:
- 2 ½ cups soaked cashews
- 1 ½ cup water
- ¾ cup agave or coconut palm suger
- 2 tbs lemon juice
- 1 tsp. vanilla paste
- ½ cup coconut oil
- ½ cup activated walnuts and goji berries
How to make:
- Blend all ingredients until smooth. Put the frosting in the fridge for about 2 hours and then pour it onto the batter.
- Now – put the cake in the freezer. Garnish with walnuts and goji berries!