We’ve just finished a personalised 3 days fruit program for detoxers transitioning from a 7 days juice fast moving into solid foods. Kick starting the digestive system with hydrating electric fruit, the colours and the sweetness were intoxicating with so much delight and satiation at every meal.

This was by far the most creative (and delicious) part of the overall 10 day detox experience as we got to practice the art of eating fruit abundantly. Breaking all past ideas that fruit is bad for you, that its too much sugar, it corrodes your teeth, or any other nonsense that put people off eating fruit.
The energy noticeably increased with each day as well as hitting our other target : which was to get a few natural bowel movements a day!
We also did fun workshops and learnt more information about gut microbiome, disease prevention, and the powers of fruit. Some of the highlights were:
- How to make coconut yogurt workshop
- Nice-cream workshop
- Natural Beauty Workshop
- All the meals & drinks are hands on demo’s in the kitchen

Last words from us : FRUIT UP!! 🙂